Find your farmer.
Fill your freezer.
Shop for local meat from farms near you.

Because bulk local meat offers a low price-per-pound on desirable cuts, you can expect significant savings over meat sold by the piece.

Local Farms
Your local farmer can tell you about their practices including breeds and feeds. Buying whole, half, or quarter animals is efficient and profitable for the farm and your purchase supports the local economy.

The Difference
Locally-raised meats are delicious and flavorful; and you'll have the chance to try new cuts and recipes.
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MeatSuite is currently available in New York and North Carolina.
"Many more people would like to purchase locally but don’t know where to start. MeatSuite takes the challenges out of it."
~ Ashley H.
"The value compared to grocery store prices and products on MeatSuite is unbeatable. Plus, it's such a treat to get to eat high end items like steak in my bundle! That's an item I just would never buy by itself in a grocery store."
~ Naureen P.
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Join the mailing list to learn about special offers from local farms. is managed by the Cornell Program on Agribusiness and Rural Development